Category: Lifestyle & Wellness

fertility doctor Dr Bain smiles and looks at camera
I’m a Fertility Doctor With One of the Best Jobs in the World

Dr Minto-Bain, Medical Director | January 22 / 2022

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3 Workouts to Get Fit for Fertility in 2022

Dr Minto-Bain, Medical Director | January 03 / 2022

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Pen on Paper with words New Year's Resolutions
5 P’s To Make Your New Year’s Fertility Resolutions Stick

Dr Minto-Bain, Medical Director | December 08 / 2021

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Three Women on a boat looking to camera and smiling, thinking about New Year's Resolutions For Fertility
Keeping Your Fertility New Year’s Resolutions Is Tough.

Dr Minto-Bain, Medical Director | December 06 / 2021

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5 of Our Best Fertility Gifts for Christmas and the Holidays

Dr Minto-Bain, Medical Director | December 01 / 2021

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Bad Foods for Fertility

Dr Minto-Bain, Medical Director | November 09 / 2021

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4 Celebrity Endometriosis Warriors We Crush On

Dr Minto-Bain, Medical Director | October 05 / 2021

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Surviving the Holidays When You Wish You Had Children

Dr Minto-Bain, Medical Director | September 04 / 2021

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