If You’re Trying To Get Pregnant, These 5 Tips Will Get You In The Right Mental Space

The past few years have been difficult for so many, including women trying to get pregnant. The covid pandemic has affected everything in our lives. Are vaccines good? Are vaccines bad? Is now the right time to get pregnant? How can you protect yourselves? With so much misinformation out there our best advice is to follow science and the data.

The pandemic has also triggered a lot of interest from couples who had once placed their fertility on the back burner. Our clinic is busy and it seems that Covid pressed the action button for a lot of couples as it relates to learning more about their fertility options.

We have written a ton of information for women trying to get pregnant in 2022. This is a recap that puts all the tips in one spot.

RELATED: How To Keep Your Fertility Resolutions This Year.

1. Eat this, Not that

Ok, so this is not another diet cheat sheet. Want to know what to eat to get pregnant naturally? You can find all our recommendations of what you should be eating HERE  and what foods you should avoid HERE if you’re trying to get pregnant.

What we do want you to focus on is eating in as balanced a way as possible. A wide range of healthy foods, that include good sources of fibre, and plenty of fruits and vegetables is the best diet for fertility. Don’t forget to include your multivitamins and minerals.

You can expect that during pregnancy your macronutrient intake needs grow significantly. Macronutrients include carbohydrates, proteins, and fats. So preparing your body for wellness through food is important.

Don’t forget your protein as it’s a great way to balance your sugar levels if you’re diabetic or if you want to maintain a healthy weight. Eating well aside don’t forget you want to focus as well on your gut functions.

The simple truth is you can have a great diet, but if you have a poor digestive system, with inflammation and poor gut function, then your fertility won’t be at its best 

woman workouts in her room she is on the floor stretching
Workouts make you feel good m generally. This is important as you try to get pregnant

2. Exercise

Did you see our exercise just-do list for 2022? We sourced the best workouts on YouTube and yes we tried them ourselves! So these are our best recommendations for you.

Still, we wanted to include another workout that does not have any screen time involved. Is anybody else jumping for joy? We figure even though we had yoga on our list, we should include an outdoor walk for those of you trying to get pregnant and get you moving gently without too much stress on your joints.

Here’s why we’re recommending a good, old walk. 1) It gets the heart rate way up but you can also dial it back and do something at a reasonable pace and still feel good.

If you’re trying to get pregnant, walking is an ideal pre-conception exercise. Plus it has some ginormous vanity benefits. Say hello to shapely legs, no fat gut, and tone on the arms if you use one-pound weights and pimp your ride. Sorry, we meant to pump your walk.  So, go for regular walks in the morning or evenings.

3. Don’t Ignore Mental Wellness if  You’re Trying to Get Pregnant

It’s a well-known fact that if you learn how to control your breath every single day as part of a meditation or prayer practice, the benefits of it will be manifested during the less calm times. We can’t emphasize enough the importance of quieting the mind and focusing on developing doos breathing techniques between 10 and 20 minutes every single day.

If you’ve been trying to get pregnant for a while or you have experienced difficulty in conceiving you know life is not wine and roses – although confession- we need more of both.

The fertility journey comes with self-doubt, arguments, and fear. Being able to quiet your mind during the day when it gets complicated, chaotic and overwhelming is a magical coup.  Just the mental and physical rest it provides if you’re trying to get pregnant will be worth every breath you take.

4. Keep a Check on your Biological Clock

If you’re trying to get pregnant your age matters and the biological clock is real.  Sorry, there is no sugar in this medicine. Read more about age related-infertility HERE.


Women are most fertile in their early 20s but in the 30s begin to dive more steeply with a bigger drop around their 40s. If you’re trying to get pregnant be aware of your age factor. The more ‘fertility aware’ you are, the better.

5. He’s in the Equation Once You’re Trying To Get Pregnant 

We cannot talk about you trying to get pregnant and not mention your partner, and because we serve the  LGBTQ community, we want to emphasise that in this instance we are talking about the male factor.

In the couples we see at our clinic, men account for more than half of all infertility. We know. We know! That feels like a huge number and it is.  There are many reasons for male infertility.

Man in the park male infertility
Male infertility is a medical issue and in most cases can be treated.

For example, know that sperm needs to swim; we also know that exposure to light emitted from digital devices like phones, laptops, tablets, and even digital television systems can not only lead to sleep disturbances but also create problems in the sperm’s swimming.

So one reason that you can not be conceiving may have nothing to do with you. Male Infertility is a thing.

What we want to impress is that in your fertility check-up, your partner will need a sperm assessment as well. We see you over there nodding your head.

 Your Fertility Matters

You are the best person yourself to know about your body and take care of it. Reproductive knowledge is power.  Equally important in your journey to having a family is your mental well being. Take care of both – that’s the best professional advice we can give you on your journey to fertility.